allARTstudio historical moment from archive.
I am very proud to share with you our studio’s historic moment. This precious girl, Nichole, came with her mother Maria to my studio in 2007 and she was eager and determined to start art classes. I hesitated for a moment but decided to give it a try and to my surprise, Nichole with a very serious face was seating and attentively following my art instruction.
Yes, here she was, at 3.5 years old with big blue eyes full of interest and eagerness to learn. And that’s how our art learning journey began, and the rest is history, as they say!
This picture was publication in 2007 in a local magazine. Nichole was our youngest student at the age of 3.5. Her very expressive monkey painting won 1st place in art competition in that age group category. In 2013, at the age of 13, she was continuing to display her passion for art and even now being in college she didn’t lose her interest in art.
Where did the time go? …
Thank you, Maria and Dimitri, for trusting me to be her artistic mentor on the exciting lifelong path of creativity.
By Alla Chertok-Tripolsky