Alla Chertok-Tripolsky




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I believe that every artist is born with a need to find his or her own way in art. Every individual’s artistic expression is valid and important. Each day I find enjoyment and satisfaction in sharing my skills and my soul with others through teaching and through my art. I am grateful for the talent I have been given.
– Alla Chertok-Tripolsky


  • Education
    MFA from Carnegie-Mellon University
  • Experience
    over 25 years

Alla Chertok-Tripolsky was born in Kuibyshev {now Samara}, Russia. At the early age of 2 Alla became interested in drawing and painting. At 8, it was clear to her parents that Alla was serious about drawing and they enrolled her in an art studio where her talent was developed. She continued art studies in a four-year program at the Art School for Gifted Children, and participated in many children's exhibitions in the former Soviet Union and East European countries.

After graduating from the College of Fine Art in Russia, Alla worked in the theater as a stage and costume designer. However, because of the discrimination she encountered, and the strict approach to the arts in the Soviet Union, Alla emigrated to the United States in 1983.

Alla was accepted to the prestigious graduate program at Carnegie-Mellon University School of Dramatic Arts where she finished her Masters (MFA) degree with honors. Her art flourished with her newfound freedom, and it was not long before it began to receive critical acclaim in theatrical design in Pittsburgh, PA; Newhaven, CT, Long Island, NY and New York City theatres and galleries. Alla's extensive background includes work as an artist, theatre stage and costume designer, graphic artist and poet. She is also the mother of two awesome children!

One of Alla's latest and most important works has drawn considerable attention in the Bay Area, where the artist has established a new art school "allARTstudio". With her European heritage and skill she teaches art classes to Children, Teens and Adults at all skill levels.

Arts education encompasses exploration, experimentation, and an awareness of the senses and emotions.
Alla emphasizes developing the curiosity, creativity and expressiveness that children naturally display. Her wide-ranging experience enables her to teach many aspects of art, and she incorporates her experiences as an artist, teacher and mother to reach every student on an individual basis.

Mosaic through the Pebbles

(This poem is dedicated to allARTstudio students)

As pebbles shape the flow of running waters
Experience in Arts enriches all your sons and daughters.

Endless rays of children's vivid imagination
Shine through their palettes to new creation.

The stepping-stones of artistic fundamental knowledge
Empower our children to conquer bigger challenge.

It lets them grow and freely blossom
When they progress with every lesson.

As the mosaic-colored glass floats between the river pebbles
The world is enriched by all the artwork of our little rebels.

by Alla Chertok-Tripolsky